A Flight Attendant's Life

On my 28th birthday, I decided it was time for a change.  I had two passions in my life.  The first aviation, the second was writing.  So, after surfing the web, I came across an airline that was hiring for Flight Attendants.  I applied, went to the open interview (which is a lot like American Idol), and got the job!  I spent 24 intense and crazy days in training and came out with a new set of wings and a new home on the West Coast.  I took to the skies a year and half ago and fell completely in love with my job and new life.  The experiences I have had as Flight Attendant are unlike anything I could have ever imagined.  From the friendships made, to the places I have been, and yes even the crazy passengers I meet, I feel as if I have found my home in the skies. 

This job has also opened up lots of free time, and given me lots of opportunity to explore my second passion in writing.  I've been able to pull from all of the experiences and write about them all, as non fiction is my writing style.

A lot of people ask me what its like to be a Flight Attendant.  If you love to travel, don't mind living in hotel rooms, have patience, and want to learn and experience all walks of life, then its the job for you.  What I have gained the most from this job is a sense of self that I have never had before.  It may be the long days on my own at overnights or when I shut the Flight Deck door and stare back at 50 people I am responsible for, but it forces a kind of Independence that most jobs cant offer. 

And in those moments, when my little plane is somewhere in between the clouds, I am free and the happiest I have ever been.